Jess in the Press

A collection of my press cuttings, PR appearances and podcast appearances.

jess in the press. widow coach with karen sutton podcast

Living Wakes and the Art of Goodbyes

I loved talked to Karen Sutton, The Widow Coach, about alternative ways to celebrate life NOW. I shared unconventional ceremonies and my unique approach in the form of Living Wakes.

Pale blue square with The Menopause Mindset Podcast in the corner. A cut out of Jess May with pink and orange hair wearing a leather jacket and sitting smiling at the camera is in the left hand corner. On the right hand lower corner is a yellow circle surrounded by yellow, blue and pink stylised flowers and the writing inside is blue and says Jess meets Sally Garozzo Mindset Mentor

Menopause and the absence of funerals.

Chatting to Sally Garozzo, Menopause Mindset Mentor was enormous fun and an area that really interests me. We discussed the fact that during menpause women also face significant losses. Healthy bereavement practices can positively impact symptoms.

Jess in the Press

What is a Living Funeral?

The fantastic people at Funeral Choice, a funeral comparison site invited me to take part in some educational videos. 

Here I answer the question, “what is a living Funeral?” You can watch the video here or click on the picture!

jess in the press

How to write your own eulogy!

I was delighted to be invited to contribute with Gitte Monis from Coffin Club to an article about How to Write your own Eulogy!

Jess in the Press

Discover Brighton Magazine

I was delighted to be featured by Discover Brighton Magazine about my Living Funerals.

Jess in the press

People Are Deep

Youtube Channel People are Deep from Strongwatch Studios in Camden invited me to their Hatrick Productions studio to recored me doing reactions to TikTok videos…they also recorded me talking about Living Funerals.

jess in the press

Radio Sussex

I had a great time very early on 15th December 2024 at 7.19! On a Sunday Morning show chatting on Radio Sussex with Allison Ferns.

jess in the press

Times Radio

Times Radio approached me and invited me to speak on their Sunday morning with Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell on 12 December 2024.

A blue square with patterns on the top and bottom. Inset is a screen shot of an Australian Broadcast Corporation broadcast of 'nightlife' programme about Living Funerals.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Imagine my surprise when I was invited to chat for 20 minutes to the residents of Australia at 11 pm on a Sunday night all about Living Funerals. Have a listen. The sound is a bit fuzzy but it was the other side of the world!

Jess in the Presss Funeral Service Journal showing a Living Funerals feature.

Funeral Service Journal

I received a copy of this from my friend who found me featured in it…I’m not sure where they found the copy but it’s good to be featured….


Jess May Celebrant for Celebrations of life is sat smiling at a camera in a greensuit with a pink backdrop. She is set into a circular frame and surrounded by stylised flowers. The surround is lime green and the words say 'collaborate with Jess'
  • Film work for TV France Londres
  • Broadcast hour long film about Living Funerals with People are Deep broadcast date 15 February 2025
  • Sunday Morning Live
  • Film work for AFP News Agency London
  • A potential Full Length Documentary
  • Further journalist articles with journalist Samantha Harman for national magazines
  • Developing Connections with Dignity in Dying
  • Collaboration with Luna Arts Artists Residency at Fabrica

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